Activities - CKSC

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Teachers’ Seminar: Dr. King emphasized guidelines on effective assessment


To be able to design and provide appropriate assessment tools, to effectively measure students’ developments and abilities, and to ensure learners’ success by facilitating effective assessment are some of the goals of the seminar, “Assessment for Productive Learning”, held at the College Auditorium last May 26. Organized by the head of the Faculty and Development, Dr. Raymond Q. Datuon, the guest speaker was Dr. Ronnel B. King, a professor from Hongkong University and a former colleague of the college president, Dr. Dory Poa, at the National University of Singapore.

The said seminar was participated in by teachers from preschool, elementary, and junior and senior high schools. To make the seminar interactive, teachers were asked to give examples of their assessment activities or tools used in the classroom in accordance to Bloom’s Taxonomy. Dr. King motivated the teachers to employ assessment that encourages students to evaluate materials, to think critically, and to create or compose such as essay writing, role playing, video presentation, and illustrations. According to the speaker, the highest level of learning must often be the focus of assessment in relation to the development of 21st century skills. Dr. King differentiated formative and summative assessments. Furthermore, examples for each type of assessment were presented. In fact, he even showed the uses of these assessments in video excerpts from the movie, Harry Potter. Aside from these, he also presented system of evaluating students’ works such as his own rubrics that he used in grading essays. The talk challenges the teachers to unify instruction and assessment to keep track the learning standards in these modern times.

Dr. Poa graced the event and awarded the Certificate of Appreciation to Dr. King. The seminar was hosted by Mr. Michael Ong, Biology teacher from Junior High School. The seminar was a success through the supervision of the Faculty and Development Office, and the assistance of Junior High School Department and Guidance and Counseling Services.


by: Brenda R. Ong



中正學院泉笙培幼園 舉辦小朋友常識智力比賽

中正學院訊: 本院泉笙培幼園自創園至今,一直都抱著一個宗旨,就是要推廣閩南語的教學法,使每一個培幼園的畢業生都能聽和講流利的閩南語,朝著這個方向努力,因此閩南話的故事表演就未曾間斷過,為了印證半年下來的學習成果,在去年十二月十二日我們舉辦了一個閩南語的常識智力比賽,參加者分別是小班和中班上下午的小朋友。          


本園首次舉辦此項活動,由各班選派兩位代表,以遊戲方式進行,現場兩張桌子上分別有「☆」代表對和「╳」代表錯的圖案,鈴鐘及玩具錘子,小朋友要一面眼看投影簡報圖, 一面耳聽老師的問題後,用錘子敲打正確答案的鈴鐘,一分鐘內答對最多的為優勝者。當主持老師清楚地把遊戲規則示範講解後,比賽隨即開始,參賽的小朋友有的動作敏捷,反應快,像小精靈般;有的慢條斯理,認真思考後才作答;優勝者除了被表揚外,還有一份小禮物作獎勵。



( 李佩蓉老師記/)

Chiang Kai Shek College Tenth-Graders Wow with TLE Skills

The Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) department of Chiang Kai Shek (CKS) College's Office of Academic Affairs - English Instruction organized a culminating event that showcased the outcome of four years' worth of TLE lessons on cookery and food presentation by Grade 10 students on November 21, 2014 at the main campus Phase 1 lobby.

The special activity allowed students to TLE instructor Mrs. Ma. Cristina B. De Los Reyes evaluated tenth-grade students according to knowledge, skills, and competencies. The students were then organized into teams responsible for food preparation, cooking, and presentation. For teams with advanced skill levels, Mrs. De Los Reyes assigned dishes that require relative difficulty in planning and execution. The students were graded according to individual effort, team effort, and project outcome.

The lively presentation featured teams assigned with serving the prepared dishes, pinatas for the enjoyment of younger students. The tenth-grade class also presented Dr. Poa baked sweets in honor of her birthday in the same week. Special thanks to the drumming team that supported the TLE class activity.

Information courtesy of TLE department's Ms. Zenaida A. Borja and Mrs. De Los Reyes.

Photos courtesy of CKS College MIS, Jayvee Catungal and Jaystyn Yu

Chiang Kai Shek College 75th Anniversary Celebrations Video

Ace of Spades and Jerry Cheng present an uplifting music video featuring highlights of the Chiang Kai Shek College 75th Anniversary Unity Walk and Evening of Festivities in October 2014.



中正學院語言中心 第二期課程圓滿結業




即日起接受報名,研習期滿,將頒發結業證書 (中英文版)。


報名及上課地點:中正學院大學部語言中心 1477 NARRA ST. TONDO, MANILA. 電話 : 二五二三六六八。希有興趣學習者把握良機,從速報名。



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  4. 中正學院語言中心 開辦第二期語言課

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