Activities - CKSC

Chiang Kai Shek College | 菲律濱中正學院

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Progress Through Education

Back2Back Storytelling Seminar-workshop

The Grade School Department nailed its first Back2Back Storytelling Seminar-Workshop last August 22, 2015 in the Ching Ban Lee Hall from 9:00 -11:00 a.m. Despite the bad weather, the seminar-workshop was a success and had 46 participants composed of parents, students, and SPANDRA and Kuwentistang Tsinoy club members. This activity aimed to develop future storytellers not only among students but also parents, encourage teamwork between parents and children for a common goal, and make parents aware of what their children learn.

        Ms. Jocelyn P. Calugay and Ms. Ailene F. de Leon facilitated the said workshop. The seminar-workshop encompassed warm-up exercises, proper vocalization and breathing, storytelling types, techniques and approaches. The facilitators reiterated that the workshop would focus on creative book-based storytelling.  The participants were also asked to perform a short dialogue story reading depicting different emotions such as shock, happiness, sadness, and anger. The seminar-workshop is expected to culminate in a storytelling competition which will be held in September (date to be announced. The mechanics and criteria for judging were also discussed. The parents and students were invited to join the competition. 

中正學院語言中心 第一期課程圓滿結業



即日起接受報名,研習期滿,將頒發結業證書 (中英文版)。

 報名及上課地點:中正學院大學部語言中心 1477 NARRA ST. TONDO, MANILA. 電話 : 二五二六一六一,轉 三一○九。




中正學院泉笙培幼園為小朋友舉辦 增進牙齒健康與美觀知識講習會

2015年7月22日本院幼稚園為配合英文單元“ BODY CARE ”很榮幸的邀請到一位熱心家長-施莉安牙醫為小朋友們講解如何保護牙齒,增進牙齒的健康與美觀。

施醫師在講解過程中,不斷提醒幼兒要少吃甜多刷牙,才能免受牙痛之苦,同時能擁有潔白牙齒,增加外貌美觀。因為觀眾都是三歲到五歲,坐立不定的年幼孩童,所以施醫師準備了生動活潑且最令小朋友們鍾愛的動畫片來吸引他們的注意力。 影片內容包括指導幼兒刷牙的步驟,保護牙齒的方法如該多吃那些營養的食物以幫助牙齒的發育,還有小故事、唱遊、兒歌等等來加強他們對保護牙齒的意識。

當施醫師拿出了一副大牙齒和牙刷的模型時,孩子們更是樂得哈哈笑,施醫師就趁機請了幾位孩子來示範正確的刷牙方法。和小朋友互動中有問答遊戲,參與的都能獲得小獎品,小朋友反應更加熱烈,都舉手踴 躍參加。當讓幼兒輪流穿上白袍,有模有樣的學著醫生為病人檢查牙齒時,小朋友們格外興奮,每個人都爭先恐後,迫不及待地要體驗一下做牙醫的感覺。

這次的健康講習會很成功,孩子們和醫師互動氣氛高昂,最後施醫師還贈送紀念品給每一位小朋友。 學校也增送感謝狀和禮物給施莉安牙醫,感謝她在百忙中撥出寶貴時間來為小朋友示範講解。

Flu Vaccination in partnership with Manila Doctors Hospital

Chiang Kai Shek College Health Service, with Manila Doctors Hospital, its partner in providing quality health care, extended its vaccination program to its faculty and staff  last August 5 and 10, 2015

A total of 79 interested school personnel from the different departments of CKS College was vaccinated with the newest 2015 Quadrivalent Flu Vaccine (Fluquadri) manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur.

Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent infection and severe outcomes caused by influenza viruses.

中正學院蒙特梭利幼稚園小朋友 加強保護眼睛的知識


為能吸引幼兒的注意力, 張醫師特意準備最受幼兒喜愛的動畫片來開始當天的講解會,影片中先是介紹了眼睛的構造,讓幼兒對眼睛有初步的認識,進而告訴幼兒,要儘量避免做有損眼睛的事情,才不會使眼睛受傷,和如何正確的保護眼睛,例如 : 不能讓眼睛太過疲勞,要有足夠的時間讓眼睛休息、不能太用力搓揉眼睛、要多吃些什麼食物和與蔬菜、以及要讓眼睛接觸大自然的景色等等方法。相信經過這次講解,幼兒一定受益良多。在講解過程中,張醫師還不斷提醒大家眼睛是我們的靈魂之窗,一定要小心謹慎,保護好它。



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  4. Chiang Kai Shek College Tenth-Graders Wow with TLE Skills

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