“多讀書、讀好書” 中正學院舉辦圖書展銷活動
- Created on February 17, 2014 8:08 AM
- Last Updated on April 29, 2014 9:51 AM
- February 17, 2014 8:08 AM
菲律濱中正學院訊 )踏著滾滾的沙塵,駿馬已奔騰而來。農曆甲午年雖已在一片「馬到成功」「馬年行大運」聲中來到人間,悅耳的聖誕鈴聲似猶響耳際。
GoNegosyo hosted the “Creativity and Innovation Summit” last November 19 at the SMX Convention Center. More than 4,000 students from colleges and universities nationwide attended the said conference. Among them were CKSC-FBAS students, led by the Senior Organization and the Junior Marketing Association. Speakers from a wide range of industries were invited to share their experiences on how they became successful entrepreneurs. They also gave advice and shared valuable insights to the attendees. (Read more at http://fbas.cksc.edu.ph/news/384-gonegosyo-s-innovation-and-creativity-summit.)
本學院附設泉笙培幼園一年一度的親子活動,訂 於十一月廿八日(星期四)上午八時 /下午一時卅分,在思源體育場舉行.
本院培幼園有鑒於現今工商社會裡,夫婦同為上班族的家庭比比皆是,因而造成親子關係漸趨疏離淡薄, 本年度再次舉辦大型親子活動, 旨在使家長瞭解其心肝寶貝平日學習的韻律活動,並藉溫馨的親子同樂遊戲,促進親子關係,使親子關係漸漸濃厚親密.
一韻律表演:1.身體音階歌 2.快快樂樂上學去 , 3.可愛頌 4.禮貌的孩子 5.中國話, 6. 倫敦鐵橋
二. 親子遊戲: 1.彩球配對 , 2.障礙遊戲 3.曬衣服.
三. 親子律動: 天倫樂
四. 珍重再見
節目多姿多彩,希望家長及各界人仕偷得浮生半日閒,放鬆生活的步調,穿著運動服和運動鞋準時赴約,並歡迎攜帶相機或錄影機, 捕捉珍貴的鏡頭,留下美好的回憶.
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