Events - CKSC

Chiang Kai Shek College | 菲律濱中正學院

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Progress Through Education

PUP College of Education Invites Dr. Datuon to Judge in Research Award

Dr. Raymond Q. Datuon, High School English Instruction Faculty was invited by the Polytechnic University of the Philippines-College of Education as one of the judges for their Annual Guro Research Awards for Pre-Service Teachers held last September 30, 2014 in the PUP Hostel, Manila Room.
The said awards aimed to identify emerging themes to give teacher education research a distinctive profile within the PUP system; share emerging research findings; develop innovative research methodologies in teacher education; find new publishing outlets in an overcrowded academic field; and support colleagues in different campuses/branches with underdeveloped teacher education research profiles. 

Chiang Kai Shek College Parents’ Feasts 2014

The Chiang Kai Shek (CKS) College Office of English Academic Instructions initiated changes in its basic education offerings as the school and its community prepare young minds for the 21st century. An important change is involving parents in education program developments through a parent education program (PEP). PEP focuses on:

  1. Reinforcing the value of parents’ presence and involvement – active parenting, communication, and encouragement – to their children’s scholastic performance and overall development
  2. Reducing if not eliminating old-fashioned dependency on external influences such as tutors and secondary caregivers, factors that actually cause children to develop inconsistent performance in school and study habits that lack the proper drive and self-discipline

Headed by Dr. Glendora V. Tiu, the Office launched the first of Parents’ Feasts in July 2014, which was attended by 900 parents of students across basic education levels, and by school directors, supervisors, and staff. Activities:

  • Opening ceremony – introductions; sorting parents according to grade levels and programs
  • Campus tour – acquainting parents with CKS College facilities and latest developments such as improved laboratories, audio-visual classrooms, CCTV-equipped classrooms, and premises
  • Classroom visits – observing classroom activities for an hour
  • Social gathering at the CKS College Auditorium – socials; demonstration of a lesson in growing wheat grass at home by a grade 4 teacher; preparing and serving drinks and appetizers by high school seniors; entertainment performances by selected students


This event introduced parents and guardians to the concept of an engaged partnership with the school in raising and educating young students, promoted open communication with the school, and stressed parents’ significant roles in molding the future citizens of the nation. 


September saw a follow-up on PEP; it was attended by almost the same number of parents, who discussed important matters with Dr. Tiu and CKS College President Dr. Dory Poa in the school auditorium. The whole-day affair was sectioned into four schedules, sorting parents by grade levels to which their children belong. These groups covered the same topics:

  • Different roles in education – identifying and clarifying roles and responsibilities of school, parents, and students with regard to learning, learning environments, and learning habits
  • General discussion – parents and school leaders talk about concerns, school workload, teaching methods, changes introduced by the government, and rationales behind such changes
  • Introduction of future offerings – information on assistance/advance programs, summer programs on SAM (sports, arts, music), e-learning program in mathematics, reading program, robotics program, etc.


The September event concluded with plans for next Parents’ Feasts, which will be held in December.

中正學生才藝佳 SM中秋會上顯身手 表 現出色深獲好評


菲律濱中正學院訊 : 為慶祝中秋佳節,中華人民共和國駐菲大使館與本國著名購物商城──鞋莊SM,於九月七日、八日於仙拉剎洛 ( SM City San Lazaro)、馬尼拉中城 ( SM City Manila) 二處聯合舉辦甲午年中秋會,特別邀請中正學院參加這一年一度的慶典。

在這兩場盛會中,本院中國民族舞蹈組的同學以優美的舞姿詮釋出中國舞蹈的典雅、委婉,中正武術隊則展現了令人歎為觀止的威武、陽剛之氣;大廚 蔡麗安 (Chef Sherril Chua) 在本院餐旅系同學  張民權 (Janssen Dy)、許鉆儀          (Anne Kristin Co) 的協助下,講解並示範月餅的製作過程,隨後讓現場觀眾品嘗;本校團隊烘焙的月餅美味可口,令現場觀眾讚不絕口。二○一四年度中國先生、中國小姐也蒞臨現場共襄盛舉,他們和與會觀眾分享他們在各地宣揚中菲文化的經驗,並矢言未來仍將繼續為溝通中菲文化而努力。 


在仙拉剎洛、馬尼拉中城鞋莊的中秋會,分別由本校餐旅管理系陳志勇 (Dominik Riano) 同學和市場行銷管理系王育心 王育心 (Mary Grace Khu) 同學擔任節目主持人。此,九月七日、八日的兩個下午,鞋莊商城裡洋溢著濃厚與歡騰的中國節慶氣氛,而菲華電視台也將這兩場熱烈的慶祝會全程錄影,中秋文化也隨之傳播於菲國的千家萬戶。

Chiang Kai Shek College Hosts Sinigkasan 2014


Manila, August 29, 2014 - Chiang Kai Shek (CKS) College sponsored and hosted Sinigkasan 2014 (Masining na Sabayang Pagbigkas, or artistic choral recitation), in line with the celebration of "Pambansang Buwan ng Wika at Kasaysayan" or National Month of Language and History, and CKS College's 75th Anniversary. The event was organized by the Filipino High School Department and Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies) High School Department. Held at the CKS College auditorium, it featured the talents of secondary education level students from participating schools:

  • Ateneo de Manila University
  • Bangkal High School
  • Bignay National High School
  • Canumay West National High School
  • Mapulang Lupa National High School
  • Manila Science High School
  • Polo National High School
  • Probex School Inc,
  • San Francisco High School
  • Sergio Osmeña High School
  • Valenzuela City Math and Science High School
  • Valenzuela National High School

All high school groups interpreted a piece entitled, "Agas ng Babaeng Birhen," written by Mr. Alfred Mendoza and Mr. Jhoven Jacob Sy of CKS College's Filipino High School Department faculty.























Sinigkasan 2014's panel of judges:

  • Professor Crizel Sicat
  • Professor Alleli Jillian Sia-Co
  • The Reverend Father Khali Piette Lamado
  • Miss Jules Veloso
  • Mr. Christian Edward Nuevo


The judges awarded honors and prizes to the following teams:

Sinigkasan Champion   San Francisco High School   PHP 5000.00, certificates, trophy
First Runner-Up   Canumay West National High School   PHP 3,500.00, certificates, trophy
Second Runner-Up   Polo National High School   PHP 1,500.00, certificates, trophy
Special Awards Best Actor Sergio Osmeña High School   Medals, trophy
  Best Actress Valenzuela City Math and Science High School    Medals, trophy
  Most Creative Costumes San Francisco High School   Medals, trophy
  Most Creative Choreography San Francisco High School   Medals, trophy

中正學院泉笙培幼園 慶祝75週年校慶活動


  『吃得營養,長得健康』是這次活動的主體,讓小朋友知道只有均衡的飲食, 才能使他們身體健康,快速長大。


  『看!這是我做的大南瓜。』『那是我做的鳳梨!』『我也做了紅蘿蔔!』『…』小朋友們看到自己的作品,都笑得好開心, 比手劃腳地互相炫耀著。

       這次活動內容包括講故事、兒歌朗誦, 利用簡報(Power Point)介紹三大〝G〞(Go, Glow & Grow)的營養食物, 接著小班的小朋友舉起這三大〝G〞食物的模型繞著會場遊行, 中班的小朋友也參加智力搶答遊戲, 最後在大家的高聲歡唱《Five fruits and vegetables 》及 《Bahay Kubo》下, 結束了當天的活動。

  回到教室裏時, 看到老師把所有的食物分類擺設好, 小朋友都異口同聲地《嘩》起來! 於是大家都乖乖地坐好, 吃得津津有味. 一些平時很偏食, 令父母親很苦惱的小朋友, 看到同學們吃得樂乎乎, 也試著去吃每種食物。

  希望藉著這次活動能改善小朋友們的飲食習慣. 使他們個個都能『吃得營養,長得健康!』

More Articles...

  1. 菲律濱中正學院慶祝七十五週年校慶歌唱初賽成績揭曉
  2. 中正學院響應岷市府舉行第一次全市多項災難逃生演習
  3. 中正學院慶祝七十五週年校慶 舉辦國語歌唱比賽
  4. 中正學院邀請新加坡科技教育專家 黃龍翔博士主持資訊與語言教學講座

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