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Chiang Kai Shek College | 菲律濱中正學院

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中正學院舉辦書展 各類圖書琳瑯滿目

(菲律濱中正學院)本院為配合菲教育部推行的“ 閱讀月”活動,於二○一四年十一月二十四日(星期一)上午八點半,在「中正紀念堂」舉行了「書籍展覽會(Book Fair)」剪綵儀式,為連續五天的書展展開了序幕。由三單位最高領導章肇寧董事長、潘露莉校長和章國翔會長共同主持剪綵儀式。 


各班級的學生在班主任的帶領下陸續參觀了這次的書展。在現場上,小學生們就像出籠的小鳥高高興興地跑在隊伍前列,又蹦又跳,好奇地在各個展區穿梭,尋找自己喜歡的書籍。其中有個展區是數學挑戰,學生們在會場人員的鼓勵和支持下,參加了好幾項遊戲挑戰。此活動的另一個亮點就是來自於《Geronimo Stilton》系列故事書的老鼠布偶“Thea Stilton” 和 代表《Lampara》出版社的“Little Genius。”它們一露面就受到了廣大學生們的熱烈追棒與喜愛。孩子們把它們團團圍住,顯現其超高人氣。展覽會的展區有:應有盡有,大人小孩都愛去的《國民書店(National Book Store)》;提供各種小說、故事書、兒童書等的著名出版社《Scholastic》、《Philippine Publishing House》;隨著科技的進步也促進了學習的方便,《Learning is Fun》、《Learning Time》也帶來了各種書籍的點讀機,把學習簡單化也讓學習增加了幾分樂趣;出版印刷各種教育表和地圖的《HYDN Publishing House》也前來參加了這次的書展;提供各種菲語書籍的《Adarna Books》也受到了大家的喜愛;《First Eduspec》和《The K-BOLT. Inc. 》也展現了各種機械、機器人的樣品,同時也講解了機器人在未來教育的貢獻與幫助;《Alpha Stream》、《CD Books》、《Koobits》也加入了;除了這些英文書籍,書展也邀請了《新疆書店》和《新華書城》前來加入,以增加學生們對我們中華文化的瞭解和認識。


菲華文教中心校聯教研會成語比賽 中正學院中學生不負眾望榮獲第一

菲律濱中正學院訊:  成語是中華民族的優秀傳統文化的經典,它是我們日常交流言語中的重要部分。我們用它,熟悉它,但不一定能精確準確的瞭解它,為了讓學生對成語有更好的掌握,並且能在比賽中互相學習, 本院特舉辦校內成語比賽,獲勝的首兩名代表本院參加由菲華文教服務中心與校聯教研會聯合舉辦的「漢字文化節系列活動--繞著成語跑」,





The Chiang Kai Shek College 75th Foundation Anniversary Gala Night

Chiang Kai Shek (CKS) College's celebration of its 75th Foundation anniversary culminated in a gala night held at the SMX Convention Center on September 28, 2014. This event celebrated the achievements of the CKS College community.

The event's program, spearheaded by Mr. Ruben Co (CKS College Alumni Association), featured the talents of CKS College's students, members of staff and faculty, and alumni. Organizers, choreographers, and performers -- aged five and up -- put in extra time and effort for rehearsals in addition to school and work schedules since the start of the school year. The amazing numbers presented more than made up for the hard work invested from the heart in the name of school spirit and pride.

The school awarded the CKS College 75th Anniversary Lifetime Achievement Award to five outstanding CKS College alumni who helped shape significant social, cultural, political, and economic developments in our country:

  • Dr. Lucio Tan, founder of the Lucio Tan group of companies, which comprises Asia Brewery, Tanduay Holdings, Fortune Tobacco, the Century Park Hotel, and Allied Bank, among others
  • Mr. Henry Sy, Sr., founder of the group of companies, SM Investments Corp. (SMIC). Mr. Sy was represented by his son, First Executive President of SMIC Mr. Hans Sy.
  • Mr. Carlos Chan, special ambassador to China and founder of Liwayway Marketing Corporation, which produces the Oishi brand and other food products
  • Dr. George Ty, founder of Metropolitan Banking and Trust Company, or the Metrobank group of companies, was represented by his son, Metrobank Corporate Secretary and Federal Homes Inc. President Mr. Alfred Ty.
  • Mr. Tony Tan Caktiong, founder of Jollibee Foods Corporation. Mr. Tan Caktiong was represented by his brother, Jollibee Philippines President Mr. Joseph Tanbuntiong.

The CKS College 75th Anniversary gala capped off with a lucky draw where 75 audience members each won P7,500 in cash. One grand draw winner took home a Great Wall vehicle. 

The school thanks its staff and students for striving to achieve excellence in behalf of CKS College; the Board of Directors and the CKS College Alumni Association for its never-failing support. Special thanks are also in order to Mr. Teps Salvador for overseeing event production, Mr. Evans Chiu for the 75th Anniversary logo, Tsinoy TV, Wrangler Jeans, C-Shop, and other CKS College alumni who sponsored and contributed much to the celebration night's success. 

Chiang Kai Shek College Grand Book Fair 2014

Grand Book Fair (pictures taken by Sir Ben)

In post celebration of the 75th founding anniversary of Chiang Kai Shek College, the Office of English Academic Affairs, in coordination with the Office of Student Life, hosts the Grand Book Fair 2014. The fair showcases different reading materials and resources as provided by National Book Store / Powerbooks, Goodwill Book Store, Scholastic, Xin Jiang (新疆) Trading, Xin Hua (新華) Book Store, Adarna House, CD Books International, Philippine Publishing House,  HYDN Publishing, MatheMagis, Learning Is Fun, Alpha Stream Marketing, Lampara Publishing, and Thistle International. 

It also exhibits the world of robotics as well as mathematics e-learning program courtesy of EduSpec and Koobits Singapore. The event commenced with ribbon-cutting ceremony which was graced by the college president, Dr. Poa, alumni president, Mr. Chan, and board of trustees chairman, Mr. Roxas as well as students from various grade levels.

The school intends the grand book fair as an opportunity to:

  • Promote and enrich the culture of reading, and enhance the reading abilities of the present generation
  • Introduce students to various reading subject matter and genres, to bring back the adventure one gets from the world of reading
  • Update educators and parents on newly-published materials and learning trends

With this activity, the school also enjoins parents to support their children’s enthusiasm to explore reading more. The school thanks publishers, students, and parents for continuing to support this annual event.


中正學院慶祝七五校慶 音樂中心舉行音品展覽

(菲律濱中正學院訊)  本學院音樂中心為慶祝創校七十五週年紀念,將於十月二十四、二十五、二十六日三天舉行別開生面的音樂珍品展覽,時間是上午九點至下午四點,地點是在本院行政樓二樓224室。

         本次展覽壁報全部由郭愛欣主任精心策劃,音樂中心老師共同製作。內容包羅萬象,如 : 世界著名音樂家、鋼琴的演變、音樂教育的重要性、各種樂器的認識、中國各音樂家、( 基本 )音符的速識、如何做個好的鋼琴老師,以及音樂中心二十六年來舉辦的六次大型音樂演奏會等等,內容精彩,值得瀏覽。



More Articles...

  1. PUP College of Education Invites Dr. Datuon to Judge in Research Award
  2. Chiang Kai Shek College Parents’ Feasts 2014
  3. Chiang Kai Shek College Hosts Sinigkasan 2014
  4. 中正學生才藝佳 SM中秋會上顯身手 表 現出色深獲好評

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