Dr. Jean Alexis C. Go, MBA (吳瑩蓮) - CKSC

Chiang Kai Shek College | 菲律濱中正學院

College CKS IB Southmont

Progress Through Education

Dr. Jean Alexis C. Go, MBA (吳瑩蓮)

Dr. Jean Alexis C. Go, MBA (吳瑩蓮) of CKS high school batch 2007 is a resident psychiatrist of the National Center for Mental Health (NCMH) since 2018. Her most important social responsibility is advocacy for those with mental illness, patients who are already marginalized. During this pandemic, the task only became much more difficult. As seen and heard on news programs, mental facilities, along with prisons, are considered hotbeds in epidemics. Mental illnesses are associated with increased risk of infections. NCMH wards are crowded and their staff are not fully equipped and, thus, unprepared to handle this pandemic. This is in addition to the many existing issues in the institution that have been circulating in social media and other news outlets.

Fatty, as she is fondly called, still recalls the CKS College Vision - Mission Statement, which she has been spouting out during flag ceremonies in her grade school and high school days. As she reflects on these now, she is quite grateful for these values. The time of the pandemic exposes the social inequality, injustices, and the faults of the structural system of society. All these are the social factors that develop and worsen mental health disorders. As her profession dictates, these are the things she has to fight against. The CKSian virtues of propriety, righteousness, incorruptibility, and honor has stayed with her in this advocacy.

Doc Fatty also noticed the outpouring of donations for food and PPE from the Chinese-Filipino community, in particular from CKSian alumni, which brings her much pride to be part of this united community.

Always be safe, Dr. Jean Alexis Go. We are sure to hear more of your good deeds in the future, even beyond this pandemic.


Jan 10

No Classes - January 13, 2025 (Monday)


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