Dr. Jan Bendric Co Borbe ( 陳有德) - CKSC

Chiang Kai Shek College | 菲律濱中正學院

College CKS IB Southmont

Progress Through Education

Dr. Jan Bendric Co Borbe ( 陳有德)

We all remember Jan Bendric Co Borbe ( 陳有德) of CKS high school batch 2009 as topnotcher in the Physician Licensure Examination several years ago. Today, he is a first year resident in Internal Medicine at the Philippine General Hospital, which has been designated as a COVID referral center. As such, more than a hundred COVID patients are currently admitted at PGH as of the moment.

Barely three months into his residency, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out. Ever since, Doc Jan said that their schedules and roles has been changing on a daily basis as they try to adapt to whatever is needed. People don’t stop getting heart attacks or strokes just because of COVID19. The challenge now is to be able to take care of COVID patients while not neglecting the needs of other patients. Since the hospital staff is stretched out, one medical frontliner has to fulfill multiple roles that were previously done by different people.

According to him, the most difficult part of their job is taking care of patients, while carrying the physical and emotional burden that the virus has brought upon him and his fellows. Nevertheless, one always has to be able to deliver the best care regardless of the situation.

And because their job entails them to be at the battlefront where any patient could potentially be harboring COVID19, Doc Jan and the heroes of this war always have to stay protected, using PPEs even if they are working in non-COVID areas. In PGH and other hospitals as well, there have already been cases where patients appear to be completely well but turned out to be COVID positive. As such, presence of mind is of utmost important when handling any patient because one small mistake could get them infected.

One of the values that Doc Jan hold on to is commitment, which he has definitely picked-up from his alma mater, Chiang Kai Shek College. He stays fully committed to work no matter how challenging it gets.

Doc Jan allayed his fears, stating that being a doctor doesn’t make one immune to the virus. In fact, many of his seniors and colleagues were already infected. Some, unfortunately, have succumbed to the disease. While he is afraid, it is the commitment to serve that keeps him going.

Doc Jan would like to remind everyone to be calm amidst all that’s happening around, to stay home, and to practice proper hygiene. He also encourages everyone to reach out and help in whatever way they can.

You have never failed us and the Filipino people, Dr. Jan Bendric Borbe. Your CKS College is truly proud of you!


Jan 10

No Classes - January 13, 2025 (Monday)


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