Ms. Lenina Ryce S. Guerra (蔡宜君) - CKSC

Chiang Kai Shek College | 菲律濱中正學院

College CKS IB Southmont

Progress Through Education

Ms. Lenina Ryce S. Guerra (蔡宜君)

Lenina Ryce S. Guerra (蔡宜君) of CKS high school 2014 started working as a Clinical Pharmacist at the St. Luke’s Medical Center in Bonifacio Global City just this January, 2020. Still considered a trainee, her role is to monitor the appropriateness of a patient’s drug regimen and to make sure that all the medications are suitable to the patient’s diagnosis and condition, and being a newbie, this pandemic has turned her first job into a somewhat scary and trying experience.

Despite all uncertainties during these days of the pandemic, Lenina boldly goes to work everyday knowing the risks that she has to face. But as what she has learned in her many years at CKS College, one must be selfless and committed to his or her passion to serve those in need.

She expresses her deep admiration for her seniors, the CKSian alumni, who raise money through donations for food drives and other needa of frontliners and the suffering community, as well as those who sacrifice by simply staying home to help flatten the curve. She also takes pride in working alongside experienced frontliners, who are doing their best to help beat this virus.

Beaming with hope that humanity will defeat this virus soon and emerge from this crisis with more compassion and strength than ever before, she cheered: "Here’s to a better year ahead for all of us!"


Jan 10

No Classes - January 13, 2025 (Monday)


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