Dr. Sharlene A. Dizon (楊雅玲) - CKSC

Chiang Kai Shek College | 菲律濱中正學院

College CKS IB Southmont

Progress Through Education

Dr. Sharlene A. Dizon (楊雅玲)

Dr. Sharlene A. Dizon (楊雅玲) of CKS high school batch 2008 is a third year medical resident at the Cardinal Santos Medical Center in Greenhills, San Juan.

With the number of COVID-19 positive cases rising and with no vaccines nor medicines available for now, Doc Sharlene believes controlling the spread of the COVID virus and having everyone doing their part make the situation quite challenging. She is also worried on seeing a lot of people being unmindful and not properly observing the guidelines for community quarantine, rather than finding her job itself difficult, as she considers each day at work a new learning experience. She feels that the job of healthcare workers like her has become even more complicated since they are not just caring for the sick; they need to protect themselves as well from getting ill to prevent further transmission.

Doc Sharlene considers patience, perseverance, and self-giving, learned from CKS College, as important traits in caring for patients and colleagues.

One sacrifice she had to make during these times was self-quarantine. For fear of bringing the virus to her family, Doc Sharlene decided to stay somewhere near workplace by herself, instead of going home. And part of the difficulty of living away from her family is being homesick and worrying for their health and safety as well.

Doc Sharlene reiterates what most medical experts has been advising: "Stay home, exercise social distancing, and practice hand hygiene. Let us help each other survive this pandemic. Don’t add to the list of positives, be the negative. Stay safe everyone!"

Keep up the good work and stay safe, Dr. Sharlene Dizon. We will win this battle together!


Jan 10

No Classes - January 13, 2025 (Monday)


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