Ms. Chelsea Mae Y. Sy (施琪美) - CKSC

Chiang Kai Shek College | 菲律濱中正學院

College CKS IB Southmont

Progress Through Education

Ms. Chelsea Mae Y. Sy (施琪美)

Chelsea Mae Y. Sy (施琪美) of CKS high school batch 2012 is a clinical pharmacist at the St. Luke’s Medical Center in Quezon City and she has been working there since 2017. Her job is to countercheck the appropriateness of medications prescribed to patients. One current limitation, though, in so far as the Covid-19 virus is concerned is that since it is a new virus, there are very limited data on medications that could help patients of the said virus to recover.

While her job does not entail direct contact with COVID-19 patients, PUIs or PUMs, she still takes all necessary precautionary measures to ensure she doesn't get infected with the virus.

As a CKSian alumna, Chelsea values compassion and selflessness as traits deeply instilled on her by the alma mater. She believes that this is, indeed, the time when the Filipino people need health workers like her. So despite being worried about getting sick with the virus, she has diligently report to work daily and has sworn not to leave her co-workers behind in battling this virus.

And like other alumni, she finds pride that CKSians are one with the nation in fighting this battle, whether as a frontliner or as a supporter. "I'm so elated to see many of us doing our share during this crisis. You all never fail to amaze me. Thank you!", she said.

Well, Chelsea, you also never fail to amaze us. Thank you and keep up the good work!


Jan 10

No Classes - January 13, 2025 (Monday)


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