中正學院中文課程在新學年將進行部份教學改革 - CKSC

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Living Mandarin

因應時代的需求以及學生語言背景的轉變,中正學院的中文課程將於六月份新學年開始進行部份改革。 改革部份主要在教學法以及 教材的更換。中正學院新學年的中文課程將保留《華語》、《綜合》、《數學》等三門學科。小學部華語課的教材將改用 《生活華語》(社團法人台灣語言文社)替換原來使用的《國語》(台灣康軒出版社出版)課本。《生活華語》是以第二語言為主題的教材。課文的設計側重對話以 及漢語句型的認識與練習,課文的漢字以繁體形式為主,然而在有簡體對應的繁體字上卻印有該字的簡體形式,以方便學生繁、簡各選其一或兩者同時認識。

課文除了繁、簡體字兼具以外,音標也是注音、拼音兼具。 普通班的音標學習將以拼音為主,已熟悉注音符號的學生,由於課文中注音、拼音兼具,學生學起拼音也會比較輕鬆。 由於本院幼稚園教學是以閩南話為主,為了讓學生能夠交順利過渡,新學年一年級的教學語言也將以閩南話為主,使學生能夠利用他們在幼稚園所學的閩南話,用來 作為他們學習國語的橋梁。其他年級的教學語言將以國語為主,閩南話為輔。普通班的教學法、教學語言以及教材的更換並非意味著中文水平的降低,而是以教材以 及教學法對語言學習者是否有針對性作為考量重點。教學原則主要是以淺入深,以簡入繁。

由於本校部份學生的第一語言或者其家庭使用語言為國語或普通話,本校在小學部每一年級特設高級中文班。高級中文班的教材、教學法以及教學內容、作業 以及評估和原來的要求一樣,完全沒有改變,即 除了綜合課和數學以外,華語課還是使用以第一語言為主題的《國語》課本,同時也將使用《生活華語》作為說話課本, 教學法以國語直接教學為主 。高級中文班的編排並非以華語成績優越為根據,本班的編排主要針對以國語或普通話為其第一語言的學生, 或者華語能力特別強,接近於華語作為第一語言的學生。




Because of the changing times and the environment in which the current students grew up with, this coming school year June 2013, CKSC is implementing a new Chinese curriculum. The new changes will include new methodology of teaching as well as new teaching materials, including textbooks.

CKSC will retain the three Chinese subjects as Hua-yu, Zong-he and Shu-xue.

The primary level (elementary level) teaching materials will use [Sheng-Huo Hua-yu] or practical hua-yu.  (This book is from Taiwan) instead of [GUO-yu] textbook, (also from Taiwan).  [Sheng-Huo Hua-yu] is based on the premise that we are teaching Mandarin as a second language.  The design of the textbook emphasizes on conversational as well as Chinese sentence and grammar exercises.  The textbook is dominantly in Traditional Chinese writing although simplified Chinese words are also present.  This way, the students can learn and adapt both traditional and simplified Chinese characters.  Aside from this, Zhu-yin and Ping-yin phonetics are both present in the textbook.

The regular Chinese classes will use Ping-yin to teach the students how to read Mandarin. For those students who are already familiar with Zhu-yin, they will be able to easily adapt to Ping-yin phonetics, because the textbook has both phonetics in it.

Since our kindergarten department has always used Hok-kien as its medium of instruction, starting this school year, all Grade One classes will have Min-nan-hua (or Hok-kien ) as its medium of instruction. This is for the benefit of Grade One pupils, so that they will be able to practice the native language of Hok-kien that they have  just learned in kindergarten, which may serve as a bridge in learning Mandarin.  For the other grade levels, Mandarin will be the primary medium of instruction with Hok-kien as supplement.
The creation of regular Chinese classes and its method of teachings as well as teaching materials is aimed NOT to downgrade the standard of learning Chinese.  Rather, its purpose is to serve the practicality and needs of the changing times.  But this method of teaching will grow from being shallow to deep, from being simplified to gradually being difficult.

With regard to a portion of student population who uses Mandarin as the first language or language used at home, CKSC provides one [gao-ji class] or a high-level class for each grade level of the elementary school .  This gao-ji class will use the original Chinese method of teaching, including the original Guo-yu textbook CKSC is known for.  Medium of instruction is Mandarin and this is on the premise of teaching Mandarin as the first  language. Aside from the subject of Zong-he and Shu-xue, the  [Sheng-Huo Hua-yu] textbook will be used in its Shuo-hua classes.  The students of this gao-ji class are selected based on their usage of Mandarin as their first language. Selection is also based on students who learn Mandarin fast and are excellent candidates to having Mandarin as their first language.

Aside from the changes done in Hua-yu subject, in order to strengthen the mathematical skills of the students, the teaching of Math subject in English classes and Chinese classes will be aligned such that the topics tackled in the English classes will be reinforced in the Chinese classes.  This holds true in all levels of classes, whether regular classes or the gao-ji class.

With regard to the Zong-he subject, because the school has not found a more suitable textbook, the current textbook will still be used.  However ,the Chinese teachers are encouraged to do adjustments in the method of teaching, supplementing and introducing Chinese history and culture materials as needed.


Sep 16

Dismissal Times on Sept. 17, 2024 (Tuesday)


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