CKS College In-House Mentoring Program Guidelines - CKSC

Chiang Kai Shek College | 菲律濱中正學院

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CKS College In-House Mentoring Program Guidelines

CKS College Memorandum
No. 7 s. 2017

 To:                   The CKS College Community
Subject:            CKS College In-House Mentoring Program Guidelines

 As a learning institution, the main goal of CKS College is to improve the overall academic performance of the students and to hold high standards of professional conduct, including minimizing conflict of interest. We also want to give equal access and opportunities in terms of tutoring to teachers and students. Thus, in order to ensure and protect such values, the CKS College Memorandum No. 6 s. 2017 regarding In-House Mentoring Program will become effective July 3, 2017. 

 All teaching and non-teaching personnel who plan to tutor are enjoined to observe the following guidelines:

  1. Any school personnel tutoring CKS College students from Preschool to Senior High School must be held inside the school campus.
  2. CKSCollege students are free to have tutor at home or elsewhere if they hire tutors who are not CKS College teaching and non-teaching personnel.
  3. CurrentCKSCollege teachers from Preschool to Senior High School and non-teaching personnel are strictly prohibited from tutoring CKS College students outside the CKS College campuses. However, they are free to tutor non-CKS College students.
  4. Teaching and non-teaching personnel (including retired teachers) who are interested in offering tutoring services must register with the Student Life Office, subject to the school’s screening.
  5. Students who need tutoring must register with the Student Life Office.
  6. Registered students will not be assigned to teachers who are teaching at the same grade level as the student.
  7. During this first year of implementation, parents are given preference to retain the former tutors of their children only if the teachers are not from the same grade level as the student.
  8. A maximum of ten (10) students will be assigned to each tutor.
  9. During the first year of implementation SY 2017-18, an English teacher may partner with a Chinese teacher and register together in order to conduct tutorials for English and Chinese subjects. Each will be allowed up to a maximum of ten (10) students.
  10. Tutorial sessions are scheduled only after class/office hours. No noontime tutoring is allowed. The tutorial sessions should be conducted not less than one (1) hour every regular class day up to a maximum of three (3) hours per session. A different schedule, which will be announced later, will apply just before and during examination days.
  11. Suggested tutorial fees on a monthly basis per student are as follows:
    a. Kindergarten–Grade 6 (both English & Chinese subjects) – Php 5,300.00
                i. (English only, all subjects) – Php 2,800.00
                ii. (Chinese only, all subjects) – Php 2,800.00
    b. Senior & Junior High School (per subject) – Php 2,300.00
  12. The rates stated above are recommendatory. Those who want to ask for different rates must inform the Student Life Office during registration.
  13. Tutorial for Preschool pupils is not allowed.
  14. During the first year of implementation SY 2017-18, CKS College will shoulder the additional costs, including electricity and overtime pay of security, maintenance, administrative, and discipline personnel during the tutorial sessions.  On succeeding years, teachers will contribute to shouldering these expenses.
  15. Tutorial fees shall be paid by the tutee directly to the registered tutor.
  16. Subject coordinators, head teachers, and level coordinators are prohibited from tutoring any student within their assigned levels.
  17. Supervisors, assistant supervisors, and office staff are prohibited from tutoring any student within their department (e.g. Junior High School supervisor can tutor Kindergarten or Elementary students but not Junior High School students).
  18. Students with special medical conditions may request for special arrangement through the Student Life Office.
  19. CKSCollege teaching and non-teaching personnel may not hire or get the services of another person to serve as tutor of CKS College students in order to circumvent the policies stated above.
  20. Failure to comply with the above-stated guidelines would merit the following sanctions:
    a. Serious offense for the employee punishable with suspension on the first offense and dismissal on the ond offense.
    b. Honour students caught violating the policy will lose their honour ranking.
    c. Students caught violating the policy will be considered committing a major offense and will be sanctioned with suspension on the first offense and expulsion on the second offense.
  21. Registration for teachers will start on June 19, 2017 while the students can register during the opening of classes on July 3, 2017.

 For strict implementation and compliance.


Director, Office of Student Life

                                                                                                  Noted by:

                                                                                                   DORY POA, Ph.D.

  通  告 ( 2017-7號)


主  旨:校內督課規定細則 

有關本校教職員進行督課以及學生接受督課的問題, 本校作為教育機構,主要目標在於提高學生整體學習成效以及保持教師高標準職業操守(包括盡量減少利益掛鈎) 。為確保及維護此價值觀,本校於2017年制定「校內督課制度」第6號通告。此通告將於今年7月3日開始執行。













a. 幼二(大班)至小學六年級(中英文科)-菲幣 5,300.00

i. 英文-所有科目):菲幣 2,800.00

ii.中文-所有科目) :菲幣 2,800.00

b.初中和高中 (每科目) :菲幣 2,300.00






17.主任、副主任、辦公室職員不可為其所屬部門的學生督課(例如:初中部主任可為幼稚園或小學部學生督課,不可督初中部學生) 。







21.登記督課日期:教師-6月19日。學生-開學(7月3日開始) 。




2017 年 6 月 7 日

校長 潘露莉  批閱






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