Developmental Studies - CKSC

Chiang Kai Shek College | 菲律濱中正學院

College CKS IB Southmont

Progress Through Education

Senior High School Students' Orientation

The Discipline Office for Senior High School started the school year with its Students' Orientation Program for school year 2018-2019 last Wednesday, July 4, 2018 at the auditorium of the CKS College Padre Algue campus. Senior High School faculty members and students, along with administrators and personnel, attended the said event. Dr. Rolance Chua, concurrent Vice President for Academic Affairs, Director of the Office for English Academic Instruction and School Registrar, delivered a warm welcome message highlighting how the school has been committed to its mantra of providing quality education to its students. He also emphasized the enhancement of facilities in the Narra campus and the inclusion of the new competent and competitive teachers in the roster of SHS faculty. The Director of the Office for Chinese Academic Instruction, Mrs. Sara Ma Li Ling, also welcomed the students with words of encouragement. She stressed the importance of compliance with the school's rules and regulations to avoid problems in academic performance and conduct and introduced the faculty members of the Chinese Department.

Mrs. Brenda Ong, Grade 12 Coordinator as well as event’s emcee, led the introduction of the school's central administration and Narra campus personnel. This was followed by a brief history of CKS College through the years, discussed by Mr. McKennedy Umbao. He also presented briefly the various facilities in the Narra campus. Afterwards, representatives from different Narra campus offices discussed their respective office's functions, services, and rules and regulations. The presentation from different offices followed: Ms. Ms. Cynthia Isidro for Guidance Office, Dr. Mary Ann Kua for Health Services, Ms. Willowee de Cello for Library, Mr. Fernando Mira for Computer Laboratory, and Ms. Shariz Lou Clares for SHS Discipline Office.

Dr. Dory Poa graced the event with her presence reminding all the faculty members, office personnel, and students to work hand in hand to maintain unity and order in the school community. Likewise, the SHS Supervisor Mr. Fidel Savares gave an inspiring message to the students. He reminded them to make the most out of their remaining years in high school, to make new friends while cherishing the old ones, and to perform well in academics and extra-curricular activities in preparation for their future endeavors. Mr. Savares concluded the event by keeping everyone's hopes up for a fun and fruitful school year ahead.

中正學院音樂中心舉辦 中小學「聽曲猜名」挑戰賽







得獎者的獎品,由英文總主任Eugenia Martin和中文總主任馬儷玲、中學中文副主任潘偉蓮當場頒發,獎狀由潘露莉校長另於升旗典禮時頒發,並合影留念。


中正學院泉笙培幼園 動物園半日之遊

本學院附設泉笙培幼園中班和大班的小朋友分別於2月13日至3月8日舉行「教學旅遊」活動。目的地是位於Adriatico St. Malate的馬尼拉動物園( Manila Zoo & Kinder Zoo).


人數到齊後,大家興高采興烈坐上校車出發了! 一路上小朋友們說說唱唱,不停地問: 「快到了嗎?」「還有多久?」…… 半小時後,終於到了他們期盼的「動物園」.

「哇! 好大的大象啊! 」一進動物園,小朋友異口同聲地歡呼著,圍繞著圈子內鼻子長長, 耳朵大大的大笨象指指點點。不遠處那繽紛多采的孔雀也正在開屏歡迎著小朋友的到來,駝鳥也不示弱地抬頭挺胸站在一旁,人造池塘內的鱷魚卻懶洋洋地躺在池邊閉目養神。最受小朋友喜愛的猴子也在籠子裡耍把戲, 靈活地跳來跳去,小朋友們看得哈哈大笑,不願離去。走到有“百獸之王”之称的老虎的家時,只見兩隻威風凜凜的老虎站在山洞門口如銅像般一動也不動,小朋友看得入神了,瞬間也安靜了不少,此時鄰家的獅子大王大概也等得不耐煩了, 吼叫着吸引小朋友,看似在提醒大家不要忽略了我的存在喔! 走著走著就到了Kinder Zoo, 在这里小朋友们可以和一些小動物零距離地接觸。小鱷魚首先被派看上,有幾個膽子較大的小朋友甚至很想區抱牠一起拍照,也有幾小朋友却怕得躲起來。有些小朋友连鳄鱼都不怕,甚至連巨大的蟒蛇也有好幾個小朋友想去觸摸牠。最安全和最可愛的還是那幾隻鸚鵡,牠們甚至會站在小朋友頭上或手上拍照。幼小的馬兒今天有點反常,不大配合,小朋友只能在外圍觀看,65歲高齡的老烏龜也很樂意讓小朋友坐在牠的龜殼上拍照留念,大家都笑得很開心,到了要返回學校時,小朋友們都依依不捨上車。去時興致勃勃,活力充沛的幼兒,回程路上都累得呼呼大睡了.

這次的教育旅行,是配合本園的教學單元,目的是要讓幼兒真實看到野生動物,而不是單靠一些圖片來認知各種動物,經過這次的「動物園之旅」在單元的進行過程中幼兒對課本裡的動物都印像深刻,都能說出所見動物的體態,習性等等,也能畫出動物的形狀來,老師們也不再是紙上談兵了,達到事半功倍的教學效果.  (許雅雯記)

中正學院中文部慶元宵 動靜活動分別熱鬧登場








( 文—丁威中)

Career Talk for Grade 10 Students Held

A career talk for grade 10 students was held last February 10, 2017 from 8:00 to 10:30am at the school auditorium by the combined departments of the Office for Student Life.
Four speakers reminisced their student days at CKS high school, and gave insights on their college lives as well as career paths, namely:
a) Tomas B. Medina (CKS HS Batch '82) - President and CEO of Brandexports Philippines Inc.,  Director of Memere International Recruitment Agency, Inc.; and Business Development Directorof Sea Exports Incorporated, a Hong Kong-based sourcing company for Pacific Island Nations Distribution. A multi-linguist who can speak 8 different world languages, Mr. Medina is a pure-blood Filipino who speaks proficient Chinese Mandarin language and Fookien dialect, which he attributed to his CKS education.
b) Captain Eurico Chua (CKS HS Batch '85) - Pilot of Air Asia Philippines, and former Pilot of Singapore Airlines.
c) Dr. Geraldine Zamora Racaza (CKSC HS Batch '95) - Rheumatologist Physician connected with Manila Doctors Hospital. She was also recipient of the Ten Outstanding Young Men and Women (TOYM) class of 2016 during the awarding rites held presided by President Rodrigo Duterte at Malacanang Palace. Dr. Racaza was also class valedictorian from the UP College of Medicine and topped 4 different board exams. A researcher, dancer, and book author, she is also founder of the Hope for Lupus Foundation, Inc.
d) Alvin Kingson Y. Tan (CKSC HS Batch 2001) - President and CEO of Technominds Easco Incorporated and President of Fil-Chi Media Productions, Incorporated. He was a BPI Sinag Challenge Awardee, a past winner of the Go Negosyo Awards and Philippine representative to the 2012 Intel Asia Challenge Competition held in Bangalore, India.
The speakers were each given 20 minutes to talk as they dealt with their respective college courses and their career paths. They also discussed the expectations and preparations after junior high school leading to the different tracks of senior high school. Further, they emphasized the importance of Chinese education and Chinese language as they went into their respective fields of endeavor.
After all speakers were done with their inputs, students were given the opportunity to ask questions from the speakers during the panel discussion.
Dr. Poa presented tokens of appreciation to the speakers at the end of the activity.

中正學院小學部舉辦迎春活動 精彩紛呈高潮迭起

農曆春節前,本校校園裡已充滿著年節氣氛,到處都是紅紅火火的新春氣息。從學生親自書寫的春聯及佈置成的春聯長廊、老師們親手製作獻給學校的春聯祝福、還有告訴大家春天到來的 "春"字吊飾、及學生所彩繪的新年海報,在在顯示本校師生的才華,以及對中華文化的重視!



 除了這,今年還有萬眾齊心的團隊遊戲活動,更有手機選號領紅包,加上本校優秀校友莊杰森先生熱心提供獎品贊助,在一場場驚呼聲中產生的幸運者,為過年掀起了高潮。學生的團隊精神及歡喜氣氛,濃濃的年味,歡慶的呼喊聲,響徹了雲霄。現場又有Robby Rabbit 吉祥物現身,使校園到處歡樂聲不斷!

今年,本院更別開生面舉辦全校拜早年活動。從幼稚園到初中十年級,全體中英文教職員工不分部門,人數近五千人, 在元月二十六日上午,大家著紅衣或中國傳統服飾, 群集在操場上向全球華人提早拜年。 活動一開始,由本校六年級甲組的舞龍舞獅賀新春歌舞表演揭開序幕, 隨之而來的是幼稚園小朋友精彩可愛的舞龍舞獅獻祥瑞,將氣氛炒熱。當大家齊聲高唱 「恭喜,恭喜┘之後,從高處揭開的新春祝福語及五彩繽紛的煙花色紙飄下的那一瞬間,全場更是歡呼聲不斷, 氣氛引至最高潮,師生們全沉浸在濃濃的歡樂氣氛中!

Guidance Office Conducts Leadership and Self-Esteem Seminars

The Guidance and Counseling Services, in coordination with the Discipline Office and Academic English Instruction, conducted a Leadership Seminar entitled: "Re-envisioning Student Leadership" for Grades 9 and 10 students last February 2, 2017 at CKS College Auditorium. Speaker was Virgilio M. Sedo. On February 3, 2017, another seminar was conducted for Grades 7 & 8 students. Topic was "Guide on Enhancing Self-Esteem" with Mrs. Roma Wynn C. Sedo as the speaker.



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  3. CKS Students Excel in Various Competitions and Events
  4. 3 CKSC Students Complete 47th Ateneo Junior Summer Seminar

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