Dr. Monica Madera-Roberts (陳敏巧) - CKSC

Chiang Kai Shek College | 菲律濱中正學院

College CKS IB Southmont

Progress Through Education

Dr. Monica Madera-Roberts (陳敏巧)

Our feature stories on CKSians, who are unsung heroes in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic during these times of enhanced community quarantine, take us to the country's top hospital for persons afflicted with respiratory diseases, the Lung Center of the Philippines.

Currently, the Lung Center of the Philippines provides free services to people with either confirmed positive or showing signs of the symptoms of COVID-19 and it has dedicated one full wing (with 40 beds) specifically for such patients.

One of the key frontliners in the Lung Center of the Philippines is an alumna from CKS high school batch 2005, pulmonary doctor Monica Madera-Roberts, M.D. (陳敏巧).

Being one of the few senior fellows at the pulmonary section of the Lung Center of the Philippines, her life has changed dramatically since the advent of this pandemic. She is now a lead doctor in screening patients who have symptoms at the makeshift emergency rooms of the hospital, and she also gives advice on home quarantine in cases of mild symptoms. As to patients who are elderly and with comorbidites, she do COVID kit testing for them and if indicated, admits and manages the patients.

According to Doc Monica, there are now roughly 40 patients under monitoring, whether positive cases or Persons Under Investigation (PUI), in the Lung Center of the Philippines and being a senior fellow, she handles the more toxic cases, including those intubated in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

We actually asked Doc Monica how she feels about the whole situation to which she replied: "I'm actually more afraid for my parents than for myself, the fear of being infected from my exposure to the virus. But being a doctor, we swore an oath to save lives; so as doctors, this is our calling. I just pray that I wont get infected and that I'll be okay so that I can help more patients."

True to your words, Dr. Monica Madera-Roberts, we salute you on your bravery to fulfill your sworn duty. Keep safe always.

Your entire CKS College family is truly proud of you!


Jan 10

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