CKS College News

中正學院大學部學生會組織 發揮愛心捐贈風災受害同胞

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本校大學部各學生組織聯合舉辦 "為人類及其最好的朋友"捐贈活動,以幫助受到颱風Ulysses嚴重影響的家庭以及他們所圈養的動物。



大學部學生事務處胡蕙蓮副主任全力督促管理捐贈活動,並由其屬下職員施優雅、蔡欣穎和Carmina Ramos三位老師協助。在大家共同努力下募集了菲幣兩萬五千元和各種生活用品,如;衣物 、瓶裝水、 罐頭食品、 被單和 衛生用品等。這得歸功於各學生組織以及無私奉獻的學生、校友、親朋好友們的通力協助。

另有一萬元將捐贈給愛護動物組織(Animal Kingdom Foundation)幫助其收容的動物。



The different student organizations of the collegiate department were united in conducting "For Hoomans and their Bestfriends", a donation drive for families and pets who were severely affected by typhoon Ulysses.
Joining forces in this endeavor were the Student Executive Council with its president Marxist Nicole So and treasurer Jayvee Austin Catungal, Computer Society headed by Henberly Chua, Society of Motivators, Achievers, and Responsible Teachers led by Lhara Jade Guevarra, Junior Management Society under the leadership of Hanz Willard Wu, Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants led by Ann Margarette Lao, Society of Hospitality Management Students with Patricia Ong as president, Junior Marketing Association headed by Kimberly Nua, Rotaract Club with its president Danielle Lyssette Koengchiat, as well as the Junior Organization headed by John Angel Nicole Flores and the Senior Organization led by Jeremia Ong.
The project culminated last November 20 with a turnover of donations to Mrs. Jeannie Yap Tanlimco of CKS high school batch 1985, represented by his son and also an alumnus, Ethan Jason, who will take charge of delivering it to severely affected communities. 
A donation will also be made to Animal Kingdom Foundation for animals under its care.
Mrs. Wai Lin W. Sing, associate dean of Student Life and head of discipline office for the Narra campus, supervised the donation drive and was assisted by her staff Shariz Clarez, Carmina Ramos, and Harly Castro. The effort was able to generate PhP25,000 cash and other goodies like clothing items, bottled water, canned goods and food items, blankets, sanitary and hygiene kits, among others. All these were made possible through the concerted effort of the different organizations and the selfless donations received from students, alumni, friends, and families.

Through these undertakings, CKS College continues to mold students who are concerned with helping our fellowmen rise up amidst adversities and challenges.